About GraphEbra


GraphEbra is an interactive user-friendly web application for improving research procedures in the theory of signed graphs. It also covers ordinary graphs and weighted graphs. It can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or any later version.

Creators of the GraphEbra

GraphEbra is created and maintenated by Kristina Kositć and Zoran Stanić, both affiliated to the Faculty of Mathematics of University of Belgrade.

Kristina Kostić

During the work on this project, Kristina Kostić was the Teaching Assistant and the Ph.D. student. She designed the GraphEbra application and is responsible for the back-end programming (i.e., basic operations on graphs and an interactive computation of their invariants) and the front-end (i.e., the web interface)

Zoran Stanić

Zoran Stanić is the Full Professor with expertise in graph theory. He initiated and supervised the GraphEbra project.


The GraphEbra web application is hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade. It is developed under the research project entitled by 'Spectrally Constrained Signed Graphs with Applications in Coding Theory and Control Theory -- SCSG-ctct'. This project was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia and realized within the program IDEAS, grant number 7749676. The initial version of GraphEbra was launched in January 2024. At that moment, IDEAS was the largest scientific research program in Serbia.

My third image.
My third image.

Employed Software

The GraphEbra web application is built with Python and utilizes the Django framework. We employed the NetworkX Python package for the majority of the invariants, with some invariants being custom implementations. Graph visualization and manipulation is handled by Cytoscape.js, which is written entirely in JavaScript. The frontend is developed using HTML5, Bootstrap5, CSS3 and Vue.js. Both the server and all development systems run on Linux operating system.

My third image.
My third image.
My third image.
My third image.
My third image.
My third image.
My third image.


We would like to thank our colleague Blagoje Ivanović who gave many valuable suggestions that improved the final version.

How to cite

Kristina Kostić, Zoran Stanić, GraphEbra, software 2024, available at: https://graphebra.matf.bg.ac.rs/